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Loading the chords for 'Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast - Who's the New Guy? (feat. Donna Lynne Champlin, Danny Jolles, Michael McMillian, Esther...'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • What chords does Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast feat. Donna Lynne Champlin, Danny Jolles, Michael McMillian, Esther Povitsky, Stephnie Weir - Who's the New Guy? use?

  • What is the BPM of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast feat. Donna Lynne Champlin, Danny Jolles, Michael McMillian, Esther Povitsky, Stephnie Weir - Who's the New Guy??

  • What key does Who's the New Guy? have?

  • In which year did Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Cast feat. Donna Lynne Champlin, Danny Jolles, Michael McMillian, Esther Povitsky, Stephnie Weir release Who's the New Guy??