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I feel it when I’m next to you
Wanna make a baby
Got me going lately
I feel it when I’m next to you
It’s taking over me yeah
I want it , ah
My ovaries, calling calling
It’s destiny you’re just in time
Don’t blame it on me
Cuz my world keeps turning
You make me wanna multiply
I feel it when I’m next to you
Wanna make a baby
Got me going lately
I feel it when I’m next to you
It’s taking over me yeah
I want it, ah
It’s in my dreams at night
This funny feeling
Got the best of me
I can’t lie
We got this chemistry
The potions are flowing
You make wanna to multiply
I feel it when I’m next to you
Wanna make a baby
Got me going lately
I feel it when I’m next to you
It’s taking over me yeah
I want it, ah
It’s everything that you do
I just can’t quantify
Cuz 1 + 1 equals 2
It’s time to multiply
Whenever I’m close to you
I feel so magnetized
You know I’ve come to tell you
It’s time to multiply
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