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Loading the chords for 'B코마치 - STAR✩T✩RAIN New Arrange Full Ver. 【최애의 아이】 [가사/발음/한글 자막/해석]'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which artist members contributed to STAR☆T☆RAIN -New Arrange Ver.-?

  • Do you know the chords that B小町 ルビー(CV:伊駒ゆりえ)、有馬かな(CV:潘めぐみ)、MEMちょ(CV:大久保瑠美) plays in STAR☆T☆RAIN -New Arrange Ver.-?

  • What tempo should you practice STAR☆T☆RAIN -New Arrange Ver.- by B小町 ルビー(CV:伊駒ゆりえ)、有馬かな(CV:潘めぐみ)、MEMちょ(CV:大久保瑠美)?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which B小町 ルビー(CV:伊駒ゆりえ)、有馬かな(CV:潘めぐみ)、MEMちょ(CV:大久保瑠美) plays STAR☆T☆RAIN -New Arrange Ver.-?

  • In which year was STAR☆T☆RAIN -New Arrange Ver.- first released?