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Loading the chords for 'Shiraishi Yuzuki/ Saori Hayami - Followback does not stop - A Place Further Than The Universe'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which chords are in the song γƒ•γ‚©γƒ­γƒΌγƒγƒƒγ‚―γŒζ­’γΎγ‚‰γͺい?

  • What tempo should you practice γƒ•γ‚©γƒ­γƒΌγƒγƒƒγ‚―γŒζ­’γΎγ‚‰γͺい by η™½ηŸ³η΅ζœˆ(CV:早見沙織)?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which η™½ηŸ³η΅ζœˆ(CV:早見沙織) plays γƒ•γ‚©γƒ­γƒΌγƒγƒƒγ‚―γŒζ­’γΎγ‚‰γͺい?

  • In which year did η™½ηŸ³η΅ζœˆ(CV:早見沙織) release γƒ•γ‚©γƒ­γƒΌγƒγƒƒγ‚―γŒζ­’γΎγ‚‰γͺい?