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Loading the chords for 'Rose Adagio - Tchaikovsky's ''The Sleeping Beauty'' (Shigatsu Wa Kimi No Uso)'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which artist members contributed to "眠りの森の美女"より「バラのアダージョ」(ピアノ連弾版)?

  • What chords does 阪田知樹, 河地恵理子 play in "眠りの森の美女"より「バラのアダージョ」(ピアノ連弾版)?

  • What tempo should you practice "眠りの森の美女"より「バラのアダージョ」(ピアノ連弾版) by 阪田知樹, 河地恵理子?

  • What key does "眠りの森の美女"より「バラのアダージョ」(ピアノ連弾版) have?

  • In which year did 阪田知樹, 河地恵理子 release "眠りの森の美女"より「バラのアダージョ」(ピアノ連弾版)?