Boulder Akkorde
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Forget em all and anything that they had to say
They can watch, I wont stop, I'm too dedicated
Always uphill
'Til I'm elevated
Always uphill
Like I'm tryna fight Zeus
And this is my hill even if I didn't choose it
And if I lose
Screw it I lose and
Imma be running like I'm gonna die soon and
The Ledge is getting closer
And my legs are pushing slower
Rolling this cursed boulder
Till I'm dead, kicking over
Bottom of the hill again feelin it in my spirit
I was at the top then I lost it now Im watching it fall
You say its hopeless I know this but Im still taking off
Im Jacob Im taking my blessing I'll wrestle with God
I couldn't fake it
Im more than just motivated
Im chasing whatevers sacred
And I swear that I can almost taste it
Tryna be patient
But my bones are slowly breaking
Im thinking Im god forsaken god forbid we have that conversation
Roll, Push
Like I'm tryna fight Zeus
And this is my hill even if I didn't choose it
And If lose
Fuck it I lose and
Imma be running like I'm gonna die soon and
Ledge is getting closer
And my legs are pushing slower
Rolling this cursed boulder
Till I'm dead, kicking over
Kicking over
Kicking over
Kicking over
'Til Im dead, kicking over
And I'm feeling like
Something in me's catching fire
Don't try to save your life
Lay it all down on the line
And I'm feeling like
Something in me's catching fire
Don't try to save your life
Lay it all down on the line
Its going up
Im pushing my luck
Imma be rolling the rock
No matter what it cost me
Toughen up
You gotta suck it up
Imma be rolling the rock
No matter what it cost me
No matter what it cost me
No matter what it cost me
No matter what it cost me
Rolling the rock, no matter what it costs me
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