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Loading the chords for 'れでぃ×ばと! ノンテロップ・フルOP / 「LOVE × HEAVEN」'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which chords are in the song LOVE×HEAVEN?

  • What is the right BPM for LOVE×HEAVEN by 彩京朋美(cv.川澄綾子)、セルニア・伊織・フレイムハート(cv.中原麻衣)、四季鏡早苗(cv.小清水亜美)、大地薫(cv.釘宮理恵)?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which 彩京朋美(cv.川澄綾子)、セルニア・伊織・フレイムハート(cv.中原麻衣)、四季鏡早苗(cv.小清水亜美)、大地薫(cv.釘宮理恵) plays LOVE×HEAVEN?

  • In which year was LOVE×HEAVEN first released?