Detalhes da música
- Acordes
- Escala
- Do
- bpm
- 88
- Afinação
- 440 Hz
- Artista
- jam sessions
- 35
- Ano de lançamento
- 2022
- Última modificação
- 14 de maio de 2024
Really Big Shrimp Acordes
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- 100%
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- Simplificar substitui acordes complicados por acordes maiores e menores simples.
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I didn’t expect a thing
The soundtrack for too many beers
Seven songs in two years
And somehow you’re not bored yet
Forgive my apprehension
I just wanna keep this safe
That’s forty ounces of faith
And not a drop was poured yet
That’s why I say
Love? Don't give me that.
Till I can give you something back
Why would I say no?
To my dream from forever ago
You want me to get up and go?
Let me pull back the curtain:
There’s a couch with my name on it
In front of my face, a phone.
In front of my “body” a “home”.
A world where consistency is certain
That's why I say
Love? Don't give me that.
Till I can give you something back
No proof in tact
Won’t have me sold and I will
Fold myself in half
Before i snap and I will hold
Myself to that
Until I give you something back
I cleared the bar I set. What more could I achieve?
I know this room so well that I’m afraid to leave
I just wanna cut my teeth a few more times
Keep away from tempting signs
Make no friends and take no risks
So no one gets to fuck with this
I cherish a time
When nobody paid attention
And i sang and i played and i vented
And twenty-five people shrugged
I cherish a life
Before the sudden potential
For twenty-five minutes im special
As soon as they’re over I'm not.
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Você sabe os acordes que Carly Cosgrove toca em Really Big Shrimp?
- Qual é o compasso de Carly Cosgrove - Really Big Shrimp?
- Que tom Really Big Shrimp tem?
- Quando Really Big Shrimp chegou ao mercado?