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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which artist members contributed to Teardrops From My Eyes?

  • Do you know the chords that Cary Brown, Rick Faulkner, Devon James, Johnnathan McCain, "Rock-Steady" Freddie Reiter, Victor Rice plays in Teardrops From My Eyes?

  • What is the tempo of Cary Brown, Rick Faulkner, Devon James, Johnnathan McCain, "Rock-Steady" Freddie Reiter, Victor Rice - Teardrops From My Eyes?

  • In what key does Cary Brown, Rick Faulkner, Devon James, Johnnathan McCain, "Rock-Steady" Freddie Reiter, Victor Rice play Teardrops From My Eyes?

  • When did Teardrops From My Eyes come out?

  • What genre is Teardrops From My Eyes?