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Loading the chords for 'Cecilia Bartoli - Rossini: Otello / Act 3 - "Assisa a' piè d'un salice... Che dissi!... Deh! calma, o Ciel, nel...'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • What chords are in Otello: Assisa a pie' d'un salice?

  • What is the tempo of Cecilia Bartoli, Orchester der Wiener Volksoper, Giuseppe Patanè - Otello: Assisa a pie' d'un salice?

  • Do you know in which key Otello: Assisa a pie' d'un salice by Cecilia Bartoli, Orchester der Wiener Volksoper, Giuseppe Patanè is?

  • When was Otello: Assisa a pie' d'un salice released?