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Loading the chords for 'Toraware Tea Time [囚われのTea Time] by Chrono-Lexica'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • What chords are in 囚われのTeaTime?

  • What is the BPM of Chrono-Lexica 七尾百合子(CV.伊藤美来)、永吉昴(CV.斉藤佑圭)、ロコ(CV.中村温姫)、望月杏奈(CV.夏川椎菜)、真壁瑞希(CV.阿部里果) - 囚われのTeaTime?

  • What key does 囚われのTeaTime have?

  • In which year was 囚われのTeaTime first released?