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Loading the chords for 'Wynton Marsalis, 'The Flight of the Bumble-bee' (N. Rimsky-Korsakov)'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Can you guess who jams on The Tale of Tsar Saltan (Skazka o Tsare Saltane), Opera in 4 Acts With a Prologue 'Flight of the Bumblebee'?

  • What chords does Eastman Wind Ensemble, Wynton Marsalis, Donald Hunsberger play in The Tale of Tsar Saltan (Skazka o Tsare Saltane), Opera in 4 Acts With a Prologue 'Flight of the Bumblebee'?

  • How fast does Eastman Wind Ensemble, Wynton Marsalis, Donald Hunsberger play The Tale of Tsar Saltan (Skazka o Tsare Saltane), Opera in 4 Acts With a Prologue 'Flight of the Bumblebee'?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which Eastman Wind Ensemble, Wynton Marsalis, Donald Hunsberger plays The Tale of Tsar Saltan (Skazka o Tsare Saltane), Opera in 4 Acts With a Prologue 'Flight of the Bumblebee'?

  • In which year was The Tale of Tsar Saltan (Skazka o Tsare Saltane), Opera in 4 Acts With a Prologue 'Flight of the Bumblebee' first released?

  • What genre is The Tale of Tsar Saltan (Skazka o Tsare Saltane), Opera in 4 Acts With a Prologue 'Flight of the Bumblebee'?