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Loading the chords for 'In my world (Prod. KOTONOHOUSE) by Shibuya Unit【Denonbu/EN Subs】'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Can you guess who jams on In my world?

  • What chords are in In my world?

  • What is the tempo of 鳳凰火凛 (CV: 健屋花那)、瀬戸海月 (CV: シスター・クレア)、大賀ルキア (CV: 星川サラ) - In my world?

  • In what key does 鳳凰火凛 (CV: 健屋花那)、瀬戸海月 (CV: シスター・クレア)、大賀ルキア (CV: 星川サラ) play In my world?

  • When did In my world come out?