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- 100%
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Mothers crying in the street
Children dying at their feet, tell me why
People starving everywhere
There's too much food but none to spare, tell me why
Can you see that shaft of sunlight
Can you see it in my eyes
I can feel the fire that's burning
Anger and hope so deep
So deep within my heart
Before my eyes
For some it's too late
It seems there's no-one listening
People sleeping in the streets
No roof above, no food to eat, tell me why
See the questions in their eyes
Listen to their children's cries, tell me why
If there's a God
Is he watching
Can he give a ray of hope
So much pain and so much sorrow
Tell me what does he see
When he looks at you
When he looks at me
What would he say
It seems there's no-one listening
Who would think it still could happen
Even in this time and place
Politicians, they may save themselves
But they won't save their face
Just hope against hope
It's not too late
You say there's nothing you can do
Is there one rule for them and one for you
Tell me why
Listen can you see that shaft of sunlight
Can you see it in my eyes
I can feel the fire that's burning
Anger and hope so deep
So deep within my heart
Before my eyes
For some it's too late
It seems there's no-one listening
Hurry for me, hurry for me, they cry
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords sont utilisés par Genesis dans Tell Me Why ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Tell Me Why de Genesis ?
- Quelle est la tonalité utilisée par Genesis pour Tell Me Why ?
- Quand la chanson Tell Me Why est-elle sortie sur le marché ?