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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which chords are in the song King of Pride Rock / Circle of Life (reprise)?

  • What is the right BPM for King of Pride Rock / Circle of Life (reprise) by Heather Headley, Jason Raize, Tsidii Le Loka, Max Casella, Tom Alan Robbins, Lebo M, Geoff Hoyle & The Lion King Ensemble?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which Heather Headley, Jason Raize, Tsidii Le Loka, Max Casella, Tom Alan Robbins, Lebo M, Geoff Hoyle & The Lion King Ensemble plays King of Pride Rock / Circle of Life (reprise)?

  • In which year was King of Pride Rock / Circle of Life (reprise) first released?