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Loading the chords for 'Gaelic Storm Irish Party in Third Class + John Ryan's Polka'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which chords are in the song An Irish Party in Third Class Medley, John Ryans Polka (Trads./Arr. Storm), Blarney Piilgrim (Trad./Arr. Storm)?

  • What tempo should you practice An Irish Party in Third Class Medley, John Ryans Polka (Trads./Arr. Storm), Blarney Piilgrim (Trad./Arr. Storm) by John Ryans?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which John Ryans plays An Irish Party in Third Class Medley, John Ryans Polka (Trads./Arr. Storm), Blarney Piilgrim (Trad./Arr. Storm)?