Detalles de la canción
- Acordes
- Tonalidad
- La
- bpm
- 167
- Afinación
- 440 Hz
- Artista
- sesiones improvisadas
- 15
- Publicado en
- 1970
- Última modificación
- 10 de octubre de 2021
Flesh and Blood Acordes
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Beside a singing mountain stream,
Where the willow grew,
Where the silver leaf of maple
Sparkled in the morning dew,
I braided twigs of willows,
Made a string of buckeye beads;
But flesh and blood needs flesh and blood,
And you're the one I need;
Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood,
And you're the one I need.
I leaned against a bark of birch,
And I breathed the honey dew;
I saw a north-bound flock of geese
Against a sky of baby blue;
Beside the lily pads
I carved a whistle from a reed;
Mother Nature's quite a lady,
But you're the one I need;
Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood,
And you're the one I need.
A cardinal sang just for me,
And I thanked him for the song;
Then the sun went slowly down I'the west,
And I had to move along;
These were some of the things
On which my mind and spirit feed;
But flesh and blood needs flesh and blood,
And you're the one I need;
Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood,
And you're the one I need.
So when the day was ended,
I was still not satisfied,
For I knew everything I touched,
Would wither and would die,
And love is all that will remain
And grow from all these seeds;
Mother Nature's quite a lady,
But you're the one I need;
Flesh and blood needs flesh and blood,
And you're the one I need.
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Sabes qué acordes toca Johnny Cash en Flesh and Blood?
- ¿A qué tempo deberías practicar Flesh and Blood de Johnny Cash?
- ¿Qué tonalidad tiene Johnny Cash - Flesh and Blood?
- ¿Cuándo salió Flesh and Blood a la venta?