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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • What chords does Corey Hawkins, Gregory Diaz IV, Noah Catala, Daphne Rubin‐Vega, Stephanie Beatriz, Dascha Polanco, Melissa Barrera & Anthony Ramos - 96,000 use?

  • What is the right BPM for 96,000 by Corey Hawkins, Gregory Diaz IV, Noah Catala, Daphne Rubin‐Vega, Stephanie Beatriz, Dascha Polanco, Melissa Barrera & Anthony Ramos?

  • In what key does Corey Hawkins, Gregory Diaz IV, Noah Catala, Daphne Rubin‐Vega, Stephanie Beatriz, Dascha Polanco, Melissa Barrera & Anthony Ramos play 96,000?

  • When did 96,000 come out?