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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which artist members contributed to Canto Ostinato for Three Pianos and Organ: Section 74 (Theme I)?

  • What chords are in Canto Ostinato for Three Pianos and Organ: Section 74 (Theme I)?

  • What tempo should you practice Canto Ostinato for Three Pianos and Organ: Section 74 (Theme I) by Marcel Bergmann, Aart Bergwerff, Jeroen van Veen, Sandra van Veen?

  • Do you know in which key Canto Ostinato for Three Pianos and Organ: Section 74 (Theme I) by Marcel Bergmann, Aart Bergwerff, Jeroen van Veen, Sandra van Veen is?

  • In which year was Canto Ostinato for Three Pianos and Organ: Section 74 (Theme I) first released?