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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • What chords does Mimi Felixine, Assitan Dembele, Norma Ray, Jessica Parker & Debbie Davis play in Jamais Je N'avouerai (De "Hercule")?

  • How fast does Mimi Felixine, Assitan Dembele, Norma Ray, Jessica Parker & Debbie Davis play Jamais Je N'avouerai (De "Hercule")?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which Mimi Felixine, Assitan Dembele, Norma Ray, Jessica Parker & Debbie Davis plays Jamais Je N'avouerai (De "Hercule")?

  • In which year did Mimi Felixine, Assitan Dembele, Norma Ray, Jessica Parker & Debbie Davis release Jamais Je N'avouerai (De "Hercule")?