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Witness Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - Re♭
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Motion sickness and my paranoia pays the bills
Would you be my witness as the time flies past
If you love it write it down, if you need me come around
I'm staring at America and if I blink I'll drown
'Cause when it gets heavy, I start acting out
But this old love was all I'd ever found
Can everybody see how a woman changed me, does my darkness start to leak
Is it heart in you the part in me that made me wanna stay
Do you love me right now, do you need to come around
And tell me I'm the one that burned it down
'Cause when it gets heavy, I start acting out
But this old love was all I'd ever found
I walked in on you, horrible truth
I walked in on you, who could lie like you
Shut off that stupid song, I should cut out your tongue
Shut off that stupid song, I don't believe what you've become but
I'm ready to love you still
I'm living under your spell
Shut off that stupid song, I should cut out your tongue
Shut off that stupid song, I don't believe in anyone but
I'm ready to love you still
Forever under your spell
I'm ready to love
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Quais são os acordes em Witness?
- Qual é o BPM certo para Witness de Mt. Joy?
- Que tom Witness tem?
- Quando Witness foi lançada?