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Be on my side, I'll be on your side, baby
There is no reason for you to hide
It's so hard for me staying here all alone
When you could be taking me for a ride, yeah
She could drag me over the rainbow
And send me away
Down by the river
I shot my baby
Down by the river
Dead, ooh
Shot her dead, ooh
You take my hand, I'll take your hand
Together we may get away
This much madness is too much sorrow
It's impossible to make it today, yeah
Ooh, yeah
She could drag me over the rainbow
And send me away, yeah
Down by the river
I shot my baby
Down by the river
Dead, dead, ooh ooh
Ooh ooh shot her dead
Shot her dead
Be on my side, I'll be on your side
There is no reason for you to hide
It's so hard for me staying here all alone
When you could be taking me for a ride
Ooh, yeah
She could drag me over the rainbow
And send me away, yeah
Down by the river
I shot my baby
Down by the river
Down by the river
I shot my baby
Down by the river
Down by the river
I shot my baby
Down by the river
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Foire aux questions
- Quels artistes ont participé à Don’t Let It Bring You Down ?
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans la chanson Don’t Let It Bring You Down ?
- Quel est le BPM de Don’t Let It Bring You Down par Neil Young ?
- Dans quelle tonalité la chanson Don’t Let It Bring You Down est-elle jouée par Neil Young ?
- Quand la chanson Don’t Let It Bring You Down est-elle sortie sur le marché ?
- Quel est le genre de la chanson Don’t Let It Bring You Down ?