Detalles de la canción
- Acordes
- Tonalidad
- Fa
- bpm
- 111
- Artista
- sesiones improvisadas
- 15
- Última modificación
- 14 de julio de 2018
Pallbearer - I Saw The End Acordes
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- 100%
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We crawled
From the beginning
Oceans of blood
The price of living
Grasping gold
Always pursuing
Wealth untold
Others abusing
I saw the end
Of all tomorrows
From a place
Where the pigs wallow
Filth that runs
From mouths so overfed
The joys of life
On mountains of the dead
Blacken the sky
Can't stand to see the sun
The truth of light
Reveals the hatred that has won
The hearts of man
Corrupt and bleeding rage
Can't understand
We're sick and dying race
If we're to survive
This must not remain
The end of lies
Could be dawn of day
Take heed of the wise
All your hate disown
Can't look to the skies
Fate is ours alone
When all your fear dies
Life becomes your own
To silence your cries
Learn the truth that must be known
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