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Lolita Accords
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- 100%
tempo - Sol
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Hush child, or I'll close your pretty mouth
Lolita spread your pretty legs so daddy can see just were he wants to play
The sun shines through your fancy dress
Put your little body on display
And I didn't mean to hit you so hard
I didn't mean to push you to far away
I didn't mean to hurt you so bad
I didn't mean to push you to far away
For you to come back home
Lolita, stay, oh I can't hold anybody else
Lolita, go, I can't stand to see you play around
Every scar I leave on you
It reminds me of how it used to be
You're just a little play thing
How come you mean so much to me
Stay with me, runaway, stay with me, hide away
Stay with me, get away
Stay with me, go away
Say with me, run away
I want you to go, I want you to stay
Lolita, stay, I can't hold anybody else
Lolita, go, I can't stand to see you play around
I'm gonna tell you the way it's gonna be from now on
You're always going to be my little girl
Lolita, you, you can't stay, cause I won't keep you
And, baby, you, you can't go, cause I won't let you
Maybe I've asked for too much
Maybe I shouldn't care
But why the heaven would you wanna stay
And why the hell would I want you
Yeah, I really want you
And I tell you, it doesn't...
No matter what you ask, I'm gonna let you down
I'm never, ever, ever gonna be forgiven
Just stay with me child
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Foire aux questions
- Connaissez-vous les accords joués par Paw dans Lolita ?
- Quel est le tempo de Lolita par Paw ?
- Quelle est la tonalité utilisée par Paw pour Lolita ?
- En quelle année la chanson Lolita de Paw est-elle sortie ?
- Quel est le genre de la chanson Lolita ?