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Pendulum - The Island (Lyrics) Acordes
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- 100%
andamento - Laₘ
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You arrive
In the rising sun
The hidden passenger
That I've been taking
Close your eyes
Let's forget again
As you drag me down
I will take you in
What are you waiting for?
Just surrender here tonight
What are you waiting for?
As we go towards the light
When everything is said and done
Still looking for answers, if only one
Turn my back, the urge has gone
Left with no reason, we come undone
I am caught
In your slow release
Seems like your traveler's
Eager to move me
My reflection
Will slowly fade
To another time
Until my head escapes
What are you waiting for?
Just surrender here tonight
What are you waiting for?
As we go towards the light
When everything is said and done
Still looking for answers, if only one
Turn my back, the urge has gone
Left with no reason, we come undone
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