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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Which artist members contributed to 笑って! YOU?

  • What chords does 譜久村聖・生田衣梨奈・鞘師里保・鈴木香音・飯窪春菜・石田亜佑美・佐藤優樹・工藤遥 - 笑って! YOU use?

  • What is the BPM of 譜久村聖・生田衣梨奈・鞘師里保・鈴木香音・飯窪春菜・石田亜佑美・佐藤優樹・工藤遥 - 笑って! YOU?

  • In what key does 譜久村聖・生田衣梨奈・鞘師里保・鈴木香音・飯窪春菜・石田亜佑美・佐藤優樹・工藤遥 play 笑って! YOU?

  • When did 笑って! YOU come out?