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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Do you know the chords that 芹沢文乃(C.V.伊藤かな恵)、梅ノ森千世(C.V.井口裕香)、霧谷希(C.V.竹達彩奈) plays in はっぴぃ にゅう にゃあ?

  • What is the right BPM for はっぴぃ にゅう にゃあ by 芹沢文乃(C.V.伊藤かな恵)、梅ノ森千世(C.V.井口裕香)、霧谷希(C.V.竹達彩奈)?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which 芹沢文乃(C.V.伊藤かな恵)、梅ノ森千世(C.V.井口裕香)、霧谷希(C.V.竹達彩奈) plays はっぴぃ にゅう にゃあ?

  • When did はっぴぃ にゅう にゃあ hit the market?