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- 100%
tempo - Mi♭
transposer - La simplification remplace les accords compliqués par des accords majeurs et mineurs simples.
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Step lightly,
You're movin' too fast.
Take your time, boy,
Soon the pain will pass.
In the meantime,
You gotta find yourself a love
That's gonna last.
Step lightly,
Things will work out fine.
Nice and easy,
All it takes is time.
Please, believe me,
I wish this song was yours instead of mine.
Now don't be angry at what I'm telling you,
I'd be happy if you would see it too.
But in the meantime,
Find yourself a love that's true to you.
But in the meantime, (meantime)
Find yourself a love that's gonna last.
Now I told you,
Things don't work out fast,
Gotta go now,
Let's forget the past.
But in the meantime, (in the meantime)
You gotta find yourself a love that's gonna last.
You gotta find yourself a love that's gonna last.
You gotta find yourself a love that's gonna last.
(in the meantime)
You gotta find a love that last.
(in the meantime)
You gotta find a love that last.
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