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Loading the chords for 'Chikyuu wa Jinbutsu Chinretsushitsu (Earth as a Character Gallery)'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Can you guess who jams on 地球は人物陳列室?

  • Which chords are in the song 地球は人物陳列室?

  • What tempo should you practice 地球は人物陳列室 by 杉並児童合唱団、上谷麻紀、幾原邦彦、光宗信吉?

  • In what key does 杉並児童合唱団、上谷麻紀、幾原邦彦、光宗信吉 play 地球は人物陳列室?

  • In which year did 杉並児童合唱団、上谷麻紀、幾原邦彦、光宗信吉 release 地球は人物陳列室?