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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Can you guess who jams on さらざんまいのうた?

  • What chords does 矢逆一稀 (CV.村瀬歩), 久慈悠 (CV.内山昂輝), 陣内燕太 (CV.堀江瞬), ケッピ (CV.諏訪部順一) play in さらざんまいのうた?

  • How fast does 矢逆一稀 (CV.村瀬歩), 久慈悠 (CV.内山昂輝), 陣内燕太 (CV.堀江瞬), ケッピ (CV.諏訪部順一) play さらざんまいのうた?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which 矢逆一稀 (CV.村瀬歩), 久慈悠 (CV.内山昂輝), 陣内燕太 (CV.堀江瞬), ケッピ (CV.諏訪部順一) plays さらざんまいのうた?

  • When did さらざんまいのうた hit the market?