The Point Accords
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Love, blood, war
Design, deceit, control
There's no one here for everyone
Just stick around until I'm gone
I love you so, it hurts
for whatever that it's worth
And all the dark will fade away
The rumors and the lies
And no one will remember if you even said goodbye
What's the point in dying
When the world thinks you're already dead
What's the point in crying
With the rain beating down on your head
Greed, hate, lust
Divine, disgust, distrust
Happiness comes in a pill
off a fifteen story windowsill
You long until I die
or at least until I try
The afterworks told me nothing
Our problem still persists
So think about the stories and the bullshit that you'll miss
What's the point in dying
When the world thinks you're already dead
What's the point in crying
With the rain beating down on your head
What's the point in lying
If no one believes what you say
What's the point in dying
If you're already dead anyway
If you're already dead anyway
If you're already dead anyway
I hope you will remember me
At least say so to comfort me
You say goodbye so easily
It's now or never
It may seem really pitiful but
life became too beautiful
The pain of love unbearable
It's now or never
Gone forever
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans The Point ?
- Quel est le tempo de The Point par Skold ?
- Quelle est la tonalité utilisée par Skold pour The Point ?
- En quelle année la chanson The Point de Skold est-elle sortie ?