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No Acordes
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compás - Mi
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No I don't believe in Jesus Christ
My mother died of cancer when I was 5
No I don't believe in religion
I was forced to go to church, I wasn't told why
No I don't believe in the police force
Police brutality isn't a dream
No I don't believe in the system
'cause Nothing it does makes sense to me
Don't worry you'll get over it
You'll grow up, you'll calm down
Another youth, another fashion
You'll get over it, you'll calm down
You don't really mean what you say
You've had too much to drink
Don't be so full of hated
It's not as bad as you think
No I don't believe in what you say
You're just part of what I despise
Yes you're part of the fucking system
I ain't blind, I can see your lies
'cause the system thrives on ignorance
What the public don't know, they can't reject
In the face of you all I stand defiant
The rest of the people, they want to forget
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Adivinas quién toca en No?
- ¿Sabes qué acordes toca Subhumans en No?
- ¿Cuál es el BPM correcto de No de Subhumans?
- ¿Sabes en qué tonalidad se encuentra No de Subhumans?
- ¿Cuándo salió No?