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Pigman Acordes
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Guilty conscience stews away in the kitchen
Knock at the door it s the next door neighbour
Farming is a living killing is a crime
Where do the meat men draw the line?
Revenge for the timeless market slaughter
The pig man's coming lock up your daughter
General conversation turns to food
Is it good for me if it s good for you?
Is it good for the animals? Turn up the heat
The pig man s coming for his Sunday treat
Guilty conditioning eats in the silence
A knock at the door it s the pig man's hatred
Burning holes in your head with his grim reality
It s the family butcher - lock up your family!
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Adivinas quién toca en Pigman?
- ¿Qué acordes utiliza Subhumans - Pigman?
- ¿Cómo de rápido toca Subhumans Pigman?
- ¿Qué tonalidad tiene Subhumans - Pigman?
- ¿En qué año se publicó Pigman?