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Loading the chords for 'アイドルマスター「自分REST@RT」'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • What chords does 天海春香、星井美希、如月千早、高槻やよい、萩原雪歩、菊地真、双海真美、四条貴音、我那覇響 - 自分REST@RT (M@STER VERSION) use?

  • How fast does 天海春香、星井美希、如月千早、高槻やよい、萩原雪歩、菊地真、双海真美、四条貴音、我那覇響 play 自分REST@RT (M@STER VERSION)?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which 天海春香、星井美希、如月千早、高槻やよい、萩原雪歩、菊地真、双海真美、四条貴音、我那覇響 plays 自分REST@RT (M@STER VERSION)?