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Come to the Sunshine Acordes
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Come to the sunshine
Hang your ups and down you comes to the sunshine
Come to the sunshine
You know I know you know that I love you
Weather here could not be finer
It suits to sail off Carolina shore
I'll tell you more and more over
Cotton threads to keep me cool
In the sun-swept afterglow
I know I'm a fool, but I'm hoping that you'll be
Mine in time
Sailboats sail by two-by-two by
I think a lot of you I
Really doubt you think about me
Like I do you
Come to the sunshine
To the sunshine
You know I know you know that I love you
While they play the White Swan Serenade
Cornered, struck, I watched them promenade
They're comforted, got it made over
Dunn and Bradstreet, Vanity Fair
Who wears what, how much, and who's been where
But I really don't care
The lesson we share
Come to the sunshine
Hang your ups and down you comes to the sunshine
Come to the sunshine
You know I know you know that I love you
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Perguntas frequentes sobre esta gravação
- Você sabe os acordes que Van Dyke Parks toca em Come to the Sunshine?
- Qual é o BPM certo para Come to the Sunshine de Van Dyke Parks?
- Qual é o tom de Van Dyke Parks - Come to the Sunshine?
- Em que ano Come to the Sunshine foi lançada pela primeira vez?
- Qual é o gênero de Come to the Sunshine?