Van Morrison - Soul Acordes
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Soul is a feeling, feeling deep within
Soul is not the color of your skin
Soul is the essence, essence from within
It is where everything begins
Soul is what you've been through
What's true for you
Where you going to
What you're gonna do
Soul is your station for the folk of your nation
Something that you wear with pride
Soul can be your vision or something that is hidden
It's not something that you gotta hide
Soul is what you've been through
What's true for you
Where you going to
What you're gonna do
Soul can be your station for the folk of your nation
Something that you wear with pride
Soul can be your vision it can be your religion
Something that you just can't hide
Soul is a feeling, feeling deep within
Soul is not the color of your skin
Soul is the essence, essence from within
Soul is where everything begins
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