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Loading the chords for 'Mai Sakurajima(CV:Asami Seto) - Fukashigi no KARTE'.

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Frequently asked questions about this recording

  • Do you know the artist that plays on 不可思議のカルテ?

  • Which chords are in the song 不可思議のカルテ?

  • What is the right BPM for 不可思議のカルテ by 桜島麻衣、古賀朋絵、双葉理央、豊浜のどか、梓川かえで、牧之原翔子(CV:瀬戸麻沙美、東山奈央、種﨑敦美、内田真礼、久保ユリカ、水瀬いのり)?

  • Which chords are part of the key in which 桜島麻衣、古賀朋絵、双葉理央、豊浜のどか、梓川かえで、牧之原翔子(CV:瀬戸麻沙美、東山奈央、種﨑敦美、内田真礼、久保ユリカ、水瀬いのり) plays 不可思議のカルテ?

  • When did 不可思議のカルテ come out?