Turpentine Akkorde
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I fought my feelings when I came up to you and said "Hey friend"
Debating coming clean, give you the skinny on my predicaments
If we say goodnight you know I'll take it all the way home
I fought my feelings when I came up to you and said "Hey friend, Hey friend"
Little Romeo, I see you hanging out your window
Lips stained red wine, my god how you look so fine
Want to take you out and maybe we'll never return
We'll make the cosmos home, swimming in the great unknowns, great unknown
Play it cool, cool
Know the rules, rules
When the moon is high, I love to simmer in it all damn night
Try to find the time to make my mind unwind
A little turpentine will take us to what will be
I want you blue and true with all the things you do, I'm telling you the truth
If you knew what I'd do
Follow through, would you too
There's a place and time but I haven't quite found mine
I'm searching low and high and trying to make it out the other side
If you're feeling like I do will you always hold me to
Saying things that I don't want to say
Please babe, please babe
Would you go, would you go, would you go
Would you go with even flow, just go
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