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Crucify Acordes
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Here is your King, you bring him to me
I say, "Set him free!", you say you want him to die
He has done nothing, nothing, nothing
But you say, "Crucify! Crucify! Crucify!"
You act as though this man is inciting a rebellion
No one here can prove that to be true
I have examined him in your presence
And have found no basis for your charges
Neither has Herod
So he sent him back to us as you can see
He's done nothing, nothing
Nothing to deserve the things you ask
I wash my hands of this man's blood!
[Roman Guards:]
Hail "King of the Jews!"
Prophecy! Who hit you?
Here's your crown
You act as though this man is inciting a rebellion
No one here can prove that to be true!
Crucify! Crucify! Crucify!
He's your King
I have the power to free him
I wash my hands!
He's done nothing
He's your King... not mine!
Kill him
All right
You've washed your hands, just kill him, Pilate
All right!
I wash my hands of this man's blood...
Take him!
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
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