Detalles de la canción
- Acordes
- Tonalidad
- Mi
- bpm
- 136
- Afinación
- 440 Hz
- sesiones improvisadas
- 4
- Última modificación
- 3 de enero de 2025
Bratmobile - Brat Girl Acordes
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"Why you runnin round harmin things?
Gotta do time if you know what I mean
You look so cute in that dumfuck dress
Yr pretty head is such a fuckin mess"
Well I've got something to confess, I'm
Gonna throw this knife right thru yr chest
We're gonna kill spur posse boys, it's the
Surest way to yr heart lil' boy
Ain't gonna be yr press darlings
I'd rather be fucked and throwin things
So get on yr knees and suck my clit
If yr gonna lie and say dum shit
Hey! didn't you hear what I fuckin said?
Throw that camera right thru yr head
Thru yr head thru yr head thru yr
Muthafuckin head
You ain't so hip when you look so dead
So yr the one who loves me so
Lettin me know blow by blow
Now who you callin looks like a whore
It never kept you from commin back for
So what the fuck did you think you'd get?
You ain't even paid us yet!
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