Detalles de la canción
- Acordes
- Tonalidad
- Si♭
- bpm
- 75
- Afinación
- 440 Hz
- Género
- Contemporary christian
- Artista
- sesiones improvisadas
- 62
- Publicado en
- 2003
- Última modificación
- 27 de octubre de 2023
Jealous Kind Acordes
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- 100%
compás - Si♭
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I built another temple to a stranger
I gave away my heart to the rushing wind
I set my course to run right into danger
Sought the company of fools instead of friends
You know I've been unfaithful
Lovers in lines
While you're turning over tables with the rage of a jealous kind
I chose the gallows to the aisle
Thought that love would never find
Hanging ropes will never keep you
And your love of a jealous kind
Love of a jealous kind
Trying to jump away from rock that keeps on spreading
For solace in the shift of the sinking sand
I'd rather feel the pain all too familiar
Than to be broken by a lover I don't understand
'Cause I don't understand
One hundred other lovers, more, one hundred other altars
If I should slow my pace and finally subject me to grace
And love that shames the wise, betrays the heart's deceit and lies
And breaks the back of foolish pride
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Qué artistas asociados han contribuido con Jealous Kind?
- ¿Qué acordes toca Jars of Clay en Jealous Kind?
- ¿A qué tempo deberías practicar Jealous Kind de Jars of Clay?
- ¿Qué tonalidad tiene Jealous Kind?
- ¿Cuándo se publicó Jealous Kind?
- ¿Cuál debería ser el género de Jealous Kind?