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Cargando acordes para 'Lisa Beznosiuk - Vivaldi: Flute Concerto in D Major, RV. 428 "Il Gardellino": II. Cantabile'.

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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza

  • ¿Quiénes crees que tocan en Concerto No. 3 in D major, RV 428 "Il gardellino": II. (without tempo indication)?

  • ¿Qué acordes utiliza Lisa Beznosiuk, Jane Coe, Micaela Comberti, Trevor Jones, Simon Standage, The English Concert, Trevor Pinnock - Concerto No. 3 in D major, RV 428 "Il gardellino": II. (without tempo indication)?

  • ¿Cuál es el tempo de Lisa Beznosiuk, Jane Coe, Micaela Comberti, Trevor Jones, Simon Standage, The English Concert, Trevor Pinnock - Concerto No. 3 in D major, RV 428 "Il gardellino": II. (without tempo indication)?

  • ¿Qué tonalidad tiene Lisa Beznosiuk, Jane Coe, Micaela Comberti, Trevor Jones, Simon Standage, The English Concert, Trevor Pinnock - Concerto No. 3 in D major, RV 428 "Il gardellino": II. (without tempo indication)?

  • ¿En qué año publicó Lisa Beznosiuk, Jane Coe, Micaela Comberti, Trevor Jones, Simon Standage, The English Concert, Trevor Pinnock Concerto No. 3 in D major, RV 428 "Il gardellino": II. (without tempo indication)?