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Ghetto Life Acordes
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When I was a young boy
Growing up in the ghetto
Hanging out on corners
Singin' with the fellas
Lookin' for the cute chicks
Trying to find a bit of fun
Looking for some trouble
Or anyone who'll give me some
I was young and crazy
In the ghetto
Didn't know what my life would be
In the ghetto
I was dumb and oh so lazy
In the ghetto
Something had a spell on me
In the ghetto
You want to know what I'm talkin' bout?
Talkin' 'bout ghetto life
Ghetto Life
You want to know what I'm singin' 'bout?
Talkin' 'bout ghetto life
Ghetto Life
When I was a young man
Kind of free and fancy
Met this little cute girl
She said her name was Nancy
She had pigtails to her shoulders
She couldn't have been much older
She taught me what I had to know
To make a girl not want to go
She was very kinky
In the ghetto
She laid her pigtails down on me
In the ghetto
And I was feeling oh so sneaky
In the ghetto
I had to see what love could be
In the ghetto
I knew it all along
That my game was strong
But I was wrong that time
I knew I had to pray
And give myself away
Did you think I was man enough?
Did you think I was smart enough?
Did you think I was strong enough?
Did you think I'd work it out?
The Ghetto Life
Sing it to ya, hit it baby baby
Talkin 'bout ghetto life
You got to get on over
Talkin 'bout ghetto life
When I was a young boy
Tenements, slums and corner bums
Playing tag with winos
The only way to have some fun
One thing 'bout the ghetto
You don't ha
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Adivinas quién toca en Ghetto Life?
- ¿Sabes qué acordes toca Rick James en Ghetto Life?
- ¿Cómo de rápido toca Rick James Ghetto Life?
- ¿Sabes en qué tonalidad se encuentra Ghetto Life de Rick James?
- ¿En qué año se publicó Ghetto Life?
- ¿A qué género pertenece Ghetto Life?