Detalles de la canción
- Acordes
- Tonalidad
- Fa
- bpm
- 88
- Afinación
- 440 Hz
- Género
- Alternative rockRock
- Artista
- sesiones improvisadas
- 157
- Publicado en
- 2005
- Última modificación
- 24 de mayo de 2023
Miserere Acordes
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- 100%
compás - Fa
transponer - Esta canción aún no tiene partes
- Esta canción no tiene acordes complejos que simplificar
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¿Son estos acordes demasiado avanzados para ti?
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Do you ever look around
Turn your ear to the ground
Show your face to the sky
On a night when the skies echo sounds
From inside of your mind
On the stage that you shone
Where the sun did become you
And move with your thoughts
Through the sighs and the scenes
Of the worlds you have seen
And the sights that have been
Your reflection in shadows and dreams
Your reflection in shadows and dreams?
Did you ever see a man
Who did walk down the street
White robe with no shoes on his feet
And on top of his head place a box with two slits?
And the sign from his neck said
"I do not exist"
Or a woman who could not remember her name
Did stutter and stutter
Again and again
And saw you and called you her son?
Her eyes said
"My being is gone"
"But still I'm not dead"
Oh, miserere, miserere
Miserere, miserere
Miserere me
Have you ever seen a sound?
Have you listened to an image?
Have you ever touched a thought?
Have you ever tasted nothing?
Have you ever told a lie
That was true more than truth
Because truth it had lied
All its life when it spoke to you?
And what did it say?
It is that, it is this
This goes here, here is there
It is not, yes it is
It was dulling your senses
Your eyes they were bound
Have you ever, my friends
Been looking around?
And the other replies
With a wave of a hand
I am already here
In this promised land
But not by a God and not by a king
And not by a spirit
Deep from within
I am here
Because a miracle's a whim
It's a flash of glory
It's an empty tin
And maybe might lets you in
Not to save you
But to keep on looking
Oh, miserere, miserere
Miserere, miserere
Miserere me
Oh, miserere, miserere
Oh, miserere, miserere
Have you ever
Been so happy that you're sad?
That the lights turn to stars
And the stars become eyes
And hellos are goodbyes
And the laughs are the sighs
And the show disappears with the note
"Until next time"
Long live living
If living can be this
Long live living
If living can be this
Long live living
If living can be this
Long live living
If living can be this
Do you ever look around
And find what is yet to be found?
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Qué artistas asociados han contribuido con Miserere?
- ¿Qué acordes hay en Miserere?
- ¿Cuál es el BPM de The Cat Empire - Miserere?
- ¿Qué acordes hay en la tonalidad en la que The Cat Empire toca Miserere?
- ¿En qué año publicó The Cat Empire Miserere?
- ¿Cuál debería ser el género de Miserere?