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Drug‐Stabbing Time Acordes
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Drug stabbing time
Well I got working on the Ford line
A paying off the big fine
Drug stabbin' time
Drug stabbin' time
Is from nine to nine
Nobody wants a user
Nobody needs a loser
So kick him out that door
An' don't answer it no more
Drug stabbin' time
It's a Greenwich Mean Time
Your friends all hate each other you think
You've got another
But who's at the door?
Don't answer it no more
Drug stabbin' time
In a bedroom crime
There's a tape recording on a telephone line
An' it's ringin' from the floor
So don't answer it no more
Now I was lying in my room
It was raining drugs all afternoon
I hear this car pull up outside
Comes to a stop like, skreeee
Someone's in a hurry
'N someone better worry
'Cos these four guys all had on their feet
A pair of black shoes shining and neat
I thinks
Black shoes on
No that's bad news
Here they come charging up the stairs alright
Sonny just tell us where
Drug stabbin' time
Don't ask me mate
Working on the ford line
Paying off the big fine
Drug stabbin' time
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Qué acordes hay en Drug‐Stabbing Time?
- ¿Cuál es el BPM de The Clash - Drug‐Stabbing Time?
- ¿Qué tonalidad tiene Drug‐Stabbing Time?
- ¿Cuándo salió Drug‐Stabbing Time a la venta?
- ¿Cuál debería ser el género de Drug‐Stabbing Time?