Detalles de la canción
- Acordes
- Tonalidad
- Miₘ
- bpm
- 143
- Afinación
- 440 Hz
- Artista
- sesiones improvisadas
- 54
- Publicado en
- 1985
- Última modificación
- 28 de junio de 2023
We Had Love Acordes
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- 100%
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There was a time when, I would of cried, would of cut me up inside,
Now I'm not bothered at all, in fact I'm walking tall
They say I cared about you hard to believe but I know its true
We had love, we had love, we had love
Time was when I would of cried, dream about you in the night, I believe what a waste
Hanging around, like you got to face
All that motion in a puff of smoke should of known wouldn't have a hope
We had love we had love, we had love, what waste
There was a time when, I would of cried, would of cut me up inside,
Now I'm not bothered at all, in fact I'm walking tall
The say I cared about you, hard to believe but I know that its true
We had love, we had love, we had love
Time when I would of cried then ream about you in the night, I bleed, what a waste
Little harvest that you got to face
All that motion in a puff of smoke should of known wouldn't have a hope
We had love we had love we had love what waste
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Preguntas frecuentes sobre esta pieza
- ¿Adivinas quién toca en We Had Love?
- ¿Cuáles son los acordes en la canción We Had Love?
- ¿Cuál es el BPM de The Scientists - We Had Love?
- ¿En qué tonalidad toca The Scientists We Had Love?
- ¿En qué año publicó The Scientists We Had Love?