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Century Accords
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Freedom of speech and that of information.
To gather in prayer and for demonstrations.
Freedom to choose. Freedom found driving a car.
To possess a remote control and the right to arm.
Supermarket. Machine gun. Voices talk from inside.
Unemployment and touchdown. Holy book full of lies.
Suicidal intentions. There's no kingdom up high.
Presidential elections. Superman never dies.
Conservatism. Communism. Paganism. Nationalsocialism
Liberalism. Satanism. Christianity. Slavery. Anarchy. Lunacy.
Insanity. Mediocracy. Assorted Century.
Genetic disortion and UN resolutions.
Pro-life and abortions. The final solution.
Vivi-section. Disorder. Cosmetique for the disabled.
Civil crime watch camcorder. Cocained soft drink containers.
Amusement and passion. Files on serial killers.
Abusement and fashion. Queenies Asshole refillers.
Read my lips. Need I say there's a lot of shit on the hill.
But it all fits in the grave. Somewhat more darkness and
Sociopath. Psychopath. Autograph. Schizofrenia. Empathy.
Biography. All humanity. Majority. Minority. But then
regardless of which it's a f*cking damn assorted century.
Conservatism. Communism. Paganism. Nationalsocialism
Liberalism. Satanism. Christianity. Slavery. Anarchy. Lunacy.
Insanity. Mediocracy. Assorted Century.
Sociopath. Psychopath. Autograph. Schizofrenia. Empathy.
Biography. All humanity. Majority. Minority. But then
regardless of which it's a fucking damn assorted century.
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords sont utilisés par Bathory dans Century ?
- Quel est le tempo de Century par Bathory ?
- Quelle est la tonalité utilisée par Bathory pour Century ?
- En quelle année est sortie la chanson Century ?
- Quel est le genre de Century ?