Détails de la chanson
- Accords
- Clé
- Sol
- bpm
- 107
- Accordage
- 440 Hz
- Genre
- PopPop rock
- Artiste
- bœufs
- 9
- Année de sortie
- 1982
- Dernière modification
- 16 juillet 2024
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- 100%
tempo - Sol
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- Cette chanson n'a aucun accord compliqué à simplifier.
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Hey babe, where did you go
When the down down got too much
Hey baby, where will you be found
When the down down gets to much
We were such an ugly pair
The chameleon twins they'd stop and stare
Lovers know when love has gone
A black hole there where love was once the end
Hey babe, where will you be
When the crack crack gets too much (crack)
Hey babe, where will you go
Oh, we were such an ugly pair
The chameleon twins they'd stop and stare
Lovers know when love has gone
A black hole there where love was once the
There's a hole in the wall
There's a hole in the wall
Ooh a hole in the wall
There's a hole in the wall
(She has under our expert persuasion)
(Has implicated you in high treason)
(You are under arrest)
(Do you have any final requests, requests)
It's a move to take you through
It's a move to take you through
It's a move to take you through
To take you through
To take you through
(You have until the sand runs up)
(Do you have any final requests)
(You look great, you look great)
(You look great)
Hey babe where will you go when the hole in
The wall is shut
Wow, babe you know where I'll be when that
Hole in wall is shut
We were such an ugly pair
The chameleon twins they'd stop and stare
Lovers know when love has gone
A black hole there where love was once the
Catch it before you fall
The hole in the wall
There's a hole in the wall
Ooh - a hole in the wall...
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Foire aux questions
- Connaissez-vous l'artiste qui joue sur Hole in the Wall ?
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans Hole in the Wall ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Hole in the Wall de Billy Idol ?
- Savez-vous dans quelle tonalité est Hole in the Wall de Billy Idol ?
- En quelle année est sortie la chanson Hole in the Wall ?
- Quel serait le genre de Hole in the Wall ?