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- 100%
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I was blindfoled by love
it took me for a ride
now all I'm thinking of
is life on the other side
gotta leave this situation
coz all my tears have run dry
a permanent vacation
and I just know that I
oh I - I just gotta get out of here
coz I'm left - behind
in heartbreak city
in heartbreak city
stayed long enough to know
I don´t know anything
I remember long ago
when love was a simple thing
gotta leave this situation
coz all my tears have run dry
a permanent vacation
and I just know that I
oh I - I just gotta get out of here
coz I'm left - behind
in heartbreak city
in heartbreak city
just gotta get out of here
gotta leave this situation
coz all my tears have run dry
a permanent vacation
and I just know that I
oh I - I just gotta get out of here
coz I'm left - behind
in heartbreak city
in heartbreak city
just gotta get out of here - ooooh
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Foire aux questions
- Quels accords trouve-t-on dans Heartbreak City ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Heartbreak City de Brolle Jr ?
- Dans quelle tonalité la chanson Heartbreak City est-elle jouée par Brolle Jr ?
- Quand la chanson Heartbreak City est-elle sortie ?
- Quel serait le genre de Heartbreak City ?