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Big Dipper Accords
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- 100%
tempo - Sol
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Now I saw you talking to a cute little slip of a sailor
And it looked at first like the whole thing would end as a failure
He had a thing about a quarter to four
And he just couldn't handle any more
He's got his own big dipper so he won't be needing your big dipper
He's got his own big dipper and he won't be needing yours
So you filled him up with all kinds of stuff to relax him
And you took him down to the fairground after some action
And by around about a quarter to six
You found a different way to get your kicks
Up on the real big dipper where you tried an few new tricks
Big dipper
Up on a great big dipper did you learn a few new licks
He hadn't been too keen at the start
Now he seems to have a change of heart
He's got his own big dipper
Only now he's not so sure, big dipper
He's got his own big dipper
But there's always room for more
Everybody's got a song to sing
Everybody's got to do their thing, big dipper, big dipper
And at around about a quarter to ten
You got up and did it all again
He's got his own big dipper and now he knows just what it's for
Big dipper
He's got his own big dipper but he's got his eye on yours
Another ride, another tune
Another crazy afternoon
Another reason for squeezing your big dipper
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Foire aux questions
- Connaissez-vous les accords joués par Elton John dans Big Dipper ?
- Ce BPM est-il correct pour Big Dipper de Elton John ?
- Quels accords font partie de la tonalité jouée par Elton John dans Big Dipper ?
- En quelle année la chanson Big Dipper de Elton John est-elle sortie ?
- Quel est le genre de la chanson Big Dipper ?